SOS North Pacific by Gordon R. Newell, published in 1955 is a well written account of many of the most interesting shipwrecks that happened in the North Pacific from Grays Harbor in the United States up to Alaska. The only shipwreck along the West Coast Trail he writes about in wonderful detail is the Valencia, which he describes in thrilling detail. You can almost feel icy water as he depicts the victims of this tragic shipwreck slipping under the crashing waves.
West Coast Trail Shipwrecks
Alaskan at 4k
Soquel at 5k
Sarah at 7k
Becherdass-Ambiadass at 8k
Michigan at 12k
Uzbekistan at 13.8k
Varsity at 17.6k
Valencia at 18.3k
Janet Cowan at 19k
Robert Lewers at 20k
Woodside at 20.2k
Uncle John at 26.2k
Vesta at 29k
Raita at 33k
Skagit at 34.2k
Santa Rita at 37k
Dare at 39k
Lizzie Marshall at 47k
Puritan at 48.5k
Wempe Brothers at 49.4k
Duchess of Argyle at 58k
John Marshall at 62.3k
William Tell at 64.2
Revere at 69k
Cyrus at 75k
West Coast Trail Campsites
Pachena Bay Campground
Michigan Creek at 12k
Darling River at 14k
Orange Juice Creek at 15k
Tsocowis Creek at 16.5k
Klanawa River at 23k
Tsusiat Falls at 25k
Cribs Creek at 42k
Carmanah Creek at 46k
Bonilla Creek at 48k
Walbran Creek at 53k
Cullite Cove at 58k
Camper Bay at 62k
Thrasher Cove at 70k
Pacheedaht Campground
Other shipwrecks include the Tonquin, Orpheus, Pacific, Clara Nevada and many more. One nice feature of the book is a nice illustration of the various ships a century ago. pictures of the types of ships along with types of sails and masts. His chapters are interesting and descriptive. "The Savage Pirates of Nootka Sound" and "Fate of the Hellship Tonquin". There are several excellent pictures of the ships in the book, and even a couple pictures of the shipwrecks. Even if your shipwreck interest lies only in the vicinity of the West Coast Trail, SOS North Pacific is written in such a beautiful way that each chapter and shipwreck account flows into the next as you weave your way up and down the coast of North America and the Graveyard of the Pacific. SOS North Pacific by Gordon R. Newell is a bit tricky to find and you sometimes find it on, more often on AbeBooks is probably the best and most reliable place to find it. You can usually find it there for a really good price of around $20.
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