There are lots of options to getting to the West Coast Trail. The trail is linear so you have to arrange to get to the trailhead as well as from your exit trailhead. Most West Coast Trail hikers drive to one trailhead then bus to the other and hike back to their car. Others take the West Coast Express bus from Victoria to one of the trailheads and take the same bus back to Victoria.
Chapter 1: The West Coast Trail
Chapter 2: When to Hike & Fees
Chapter 3: Trailheads
Chapter 4: Getting There
Chapter 5: Considerations
Chapter 6: Campsites
Chapter 7: Shipwrecks
Chapter 8: Routes
Chapter 9: Sights & Highlights
The West Coast Trail Express
West Coast Trail Express Inc. provides shuttle bus service(May 1 to September 30) from Victoria and Nanaimo to the trailheads and between the trailheads of the West Coast Trail and the Juan de Fuca Trail. The West Coast Trail Bus picks up and drops off passengers at Victoria, Sooke, Port Renfrew, Gordon River, Mesachie Lake, Honeymoon Bay, Nanaimo, Nitinat, Pachena Bay, and Bamfield. In 2017 the prices were $110 Victoria to Pachena Bay, $90 Port Renfrew to Pachena Bay. These prices may seem expensive on first glance, however the route covers quite a distance of brutal logging roads. After you take into account of how much damage you saved on your own vehicle, the prices look pretty good!
West Coast Trail Express Bus (Victoria, Nanaimo, Bamfield, Nitinaht Junction, Port Renfrew)
Toll-free: 1-888-999-2288
Reservations can be made using a Visa or Mastercard. Online - by using the secure reservation page online at Phone - by calling us toll free from anywhere in Canada at 1-888-999-2288, or at our Victoria office at 250-477-8700. Individuals can save 20%, groups can save 40%, on return fares by making return trip reservations. Changes to reservations can be made up to the reservation date with no penalty. Changes made within 10 days of the reservation date are subject to availability. If seats are not available for the new date, you can cancel your reservation ( the cancellation policy will apply ), or you can receive a credit for your fare which must be used in the same calendar year. Cancellations require 10 days notice to receive a complete refund(less a $5.00 administration fee). Cancellations received with less than 10 days notice will be charged 10% per day ( example: 9 days notice = 90% return, 8 days notice = 80% return, etc.) There will be no refund when no notice is given to the West Coast Trail Express Office. Hikers with reservations, finishing the trail any day before their return reservation date, and up to 2 days after, have priority seating on the bus. They are given seats on the bus before anyone without reservations. This is not a guarantee that these hikers will have a seat. If the bus is fully booked, and there are no seats available, these hikers will have to wait for the bus on the following day. We advise anyone who is going to be early or late to call our office and give us notice. The more notice we have, the more likely we can have seats available.
Getting to the West Coast Trail Map
Ferry Services
Butch Jack Hiker Ferry Services (Gordon River Trailhead)
Tel: 250-647-5517 / 250-647-5434
Email: [email protected]
Lady Rose Marine Services (Passenger Ferry from Port Alberni to Bamfield)
Tel: 250-723-8313
Toll-free: 1-800-663-7192
Nitinaht Lake Water Taxi / Nitinaht Wilderness Charters / Parking at Nitinaht
Tel: 250-745-3509
WCT Information Centres
Information Centre
Tel: 250-728-3234 (Pachena Bay)
Tel: 250-647-5434 (Gordon River)
Ditidaht First Nations Visitor Centre and Store (Nitinaht Village)
Tel: 250-745-3999
Trail Accommodation
West Coast Trail Comfort Camping
Ditidaht First Nation – Ditidaht Development Corporation
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 250-710-4453 (Hike)
Air Services
Pacific Seaplanes (Bamfield, Barclay Sound, Ucluelet, Tofino, Port Alberni, Port Renfrew, Nanaimo, Victoria and Vancouver)
Tel: 250-616-5858
Taxi Services
Bamfield Taxi
Tel: 250-728-3363
Road Conditions
Road Reports
Toll-free: 1-800-550-4997 (automated)
Toll-free: 1-800-661-2324 (person answers)
Next: Considerations
West Coast Trail Guide

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